
金田茉莉 – Mari Kaneda

Mari Kaneda was nine years old in 1945. As a third grader, she participated in the government’s evacuation program for children and had been living away from her mother and two sisters for several months. However, because her mother had asked that she be sent home, Kaneda returned to Tokyo on the morning of March…

早乙女勝元 – Saotome Katsumoto

Born in 1932, SAOTOME Katsumoto experienced the Tokyo air raids of 1944-45 as a junior high school student. He was born and raised in an area of Tokyo that was hit particularly hard by the B-29 incendiary raids. Because Saotome’s family continued to live in this neighborhood for the duration of the war, he was exposed…


砂町の空襲 私の家は当時、東京都城東区(現、江東区)南砂町1丁目958番地にありましたが、さきの戦争では家族6人のうち4人を亡くしました。父、姉、祖母を戦災で、兄を戦場で失いました。 昭和13年(1938)5月、父、大竹一男(当時38歳)は町内の皆さんの盛大な見送りを受けて戦地へ向いました。前年、中国との戦争が本格化していました。私は小学校2年生でした。2年後、父は幸いに無事内地に帰り、再び家業(そば商)に戻りましたが、昭和16年(1941)太平洋戦争が始まって、企業整備令で商売が出来なくなり、近くの町工場で働くようになりました。

大竹正春 – Masaharu Ohtake

(日本語) The following is a translation of a letter received from Masaharu Ohtake on October 12, 2010. Mr. Ohtake describes his experiences during the March 10, 1945 incendiary air raid on Tokyo. The Air Raid on Sunamachi In those days, my family lived at Minami Sunamachi 1-958 in the Joto Ward (now Koto Ward). However,…

Feature #1

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Archive on schedule to open end of November, 2010. is currently under construction. The initial version will be available from the end of November, 2010. Check back then for further announcements. 当サイトは、只今作成中です。 2010年11月末からそれぞれの資料をご覧いただけますので、もうしばらくお待ちください。